Learn4Life Bright Spots are strategies or programs that are showing uncommon success in raising a key outcome along the cradle to career continuum. Below is the list of Learn4Life Bright Spots identified by the Change Action Networks and Leadership Council.

Early Literacy Bright Spots

Vision To Learn provides free vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses to students at their schools. VTL’s mobile vision clinics partner with schools with high levels of low-income students to meet this essential need.

Reach Out and Read Georgia gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together. ROR trains pediatricians to support literacy development in children during well child checkups.

The Cox Campus offers free, interactive courses and resources based on proven language and literacy practices. Applicable across all types of curriculum, the courses are provided through video and other resources to promote the science of reading.

ArtsNOW teaches educators how to integrate the arts into core content instruction.  By integrating the arts into all subjects, ArtsNOW set the stage for teachers to be more confident and effective in their teaching, and for students to be more engaged for greater academic and personal achievement.

SEE-KS (Social Emotional Engagement – Knowledge and Skills) is a professional learning approach designed to strengthen teachers’ ability to integrate social-emotional engagement practices into lesson plans. The focus is on increasing student engagement, learning, and literacy by fostering initiation, independence, and investment within—not separate from—classroom instruction.

8th Grade Math Bright Spots

STE(A)M Truck is a fleet of mobile maker spaces that provides STEM learning to students, and builds capacity in teachers. STE(A)M Truck partners with schools, early childhood learning centers, and after-school programs to provide short and long-term programming.

STEM/STEAM Certification is the final step of a process in which schools meet rigorous science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics criteria set forth by the Georgia Department of Education. These schools use project or problem-based learning, have strong community partnerships, engage in cross-disciplinary instruction, and students conduct investigative research.

RETAIN (Restoring Teacher Aspiration and Innovation) is a groundbreaking partnership between Learn4Life and GLISI (Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement) to support development of leaders’ social emotional competencies associated with positive school climates  – schools where teachers prosper and conditions for learning and connection thrive.

Postsecondary Success Bright Spots

College Advising Corps works to increase the rates of college enrollment and completion among low-income, first-generation college and underrepresented high school students. CAC places well-trained, recent college graduates as full-time college advisers in high schools across metro Atlanta.

OneGoal’s in-school, credit-bearing course is delivered daily during junior and senior years of high school, and they provide intensive academic, social, and financial coaching for students during freshman year of college.

The Scholarship Academy helps students build full financial plans by teaching them how to negotiate their financial aid packages, manage their financial awards, create scholarship brag projects, and independently navigate the private scholarship market.